3050 E Flamingo Road
Las Vegas, NV 89121
702. 799.1010
Since 2011, the public media initiative American Graduate, made possible by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, has grown into one of the most extensive public media collaborations across the country.
Vegas PBS has played a vital role in providing media awareness to our local community to address the challenges of the high school dropout crisis. As of December 2019, the CCSD graduation rate has risen to an unprecedented 85.80%.
The newest national initiative, American Graduate: Getting to Work, connects 16 to 26-year-olds to information about jobs that require a high school diploma, but less than a four-year college degree. These careers are in-demand with a shortage of workers with the necessary skills to do these jobs.
Vegas PBS’s #JobUpNV campaign partners with local schools and businesses to provide career resources to students and young adults.