Ryan High | Nevada Week In Person S1 Ep29

SEASON 1: EPISODE 29 | Airdate: 6/18/2022
One-on-one interview with Silver State Health Insurance Exchange Executive Director Ryan High.
High said he got his zeal for decreasing Nevada's uninsured population because of his own personal story. His mother was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis when he was young. High had a first-hand look at the importance of quality health insurance. He remembers looking at doctor and hospital bills for his mother when he was younger and knowing how expensive his mother's care was. Now, after his work with the exchange, he truly understands just how prevalent and devastating medical bankruptcy is.
High said last year was a record year for enrollment in the exchange, otherwise known as Nevada Health Link, with a 24 percent increase in enrollment over the year before. Despite that success, he said that there are thousands of Nevadas who are eligible for the exchange but aren't aware of its benefits.
He said that about half of the people who get health insurance through the exchange pay $100 or less in premiums and about nine out of 10 are getting subsidies and tax credits to pay for their health care insurance.