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“Free to Be" Local Libraries | Nevada Week

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“Free to Be” at Local Libraries
Nevada Week
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“Free to Be” at Local Libraries
Nevada Week
“Free to Be” at Local Libraries
Debate over Teacher Pay
Nevada Week
Debate over Teacher Pay
“Free to Be” at Local Libraries
Nevada Week
“Free to Be” at Local Libraries

Nevada Week | “Free to Be” at Local Libraries 

SEASON 6: EPISODE 04 | Airdate: 8/4/2023  

There’s  an ongoing debate between Clark County School District and the Clark County Education Association over higher pay for teachers. Nevada Current’s April Corbin Girnus explains what’s happening. Then we take a field trip to East Las Vegas Library to learn about the “Free to Be” educational campaign. It’s an effort to expand learning experiences and connect the community to local libraries.


  • April Corbin Girnus, Deputy Editor, Nevada Current 
  • Kelvin Watson, Executive Director, The Las Vegas-Clark County Library District 
  • Rebecca Colbert, Head of Collection & Bibliographic Services, The Las Vegas-Clark County Library District 
