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Question 3: How it could change the way Nevadans vote

We explore what Question 3 is and how it would change the way Nevadans vote.

Nevada Week
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Question 3: How it could change the way Nevadans vote
Nevada Week
Question 3: How it could change the way Nevadans vote

Nevada Week | Question 3: How It Could Change the Way Nevadans Vote

SEASON 6: EPISODE 47 | Airdate: 5/31/2024

Nevadans will vote on Question 3 this year. If passed, it would open Nevada’s currently closed primary system. It would also allow Nevadans to rank their top choices for state positions. Our panel of experts explain how this works, and the arguments for and against this measure.


  • Sondra Cosgrove, Vote Nevada Executive Dir., CSN History Professor in favor of Question 3
  • Emily Persaud-Zamora, Silver State Voices Executive Director, Opposes Question 3
  • Kristine Caliger, Assistant Director of Outreach and Operations, Guinn Center for Policy Priorities

