What are Vegas PBS Family Engagement Workshop Kits?
Vegas PBS Family Engagement Workshop Kits contain everything early childhood teachers need to facilitate engaging, hands-on, parent-child learning activities using high-quality PBS KIDS Ready To Learn curriculum!
Each kit contains: A lesson plan, hands-on activity materials, parent support handouts, and take-home books.
For More Info Contact
Jessica Russell
Vegas PBS Ready To Learn Coordinator
702.799.1010 x 5413
What topics are available?

PBS KIDS Learn & Grow Together: Self-Confidence
The PBS KIDS Learn & Grow Together kit creates a playful, engaging environment where grown-ups and kids explore social and emotional learning (SEL) and character development themes together.
Families learn strategies to build their children’s self-confidence by exploring books, viewing PBS KIDS media, participating in art activities, and playing digital and non-digital games.

PBS KIDS Play & Learn Science: Water Play
The PBS KIDS Play & Learn Science kit is designed to strengthen families’ positive attitudes toward science through water play!
Families explore how different objects float or sink, how different materials absorb or repel water, and notice how water moves through different kinds of spaces. Throughout the experience, they practice thinking and exploring like scientists!
What Teachers are Saying
"Next to having a Vegas PBS presenter, this is the next best thing. It was a great activity. I liked the way it was all packaged and ready to go. The instructions were easy to follow. Thanks so much. I look forward to the next kit.”
“The way this kit was put together was great! The lesson plan was very well structured and easy to follow through. The activities and the hand out for the families were organized in a very convenient way and in correspondence to the workshop goals. In my opinion it was perfect.”
80% of teachers who used the kits said they either agreed or strongly agreed that the family engagement workshop kits increased their confidence in facilitating family engagement.[1]
What Parents are Saying
96% of grown-ups who participated in a PBS KIDS Learn & Grow Together social emotional workshop facilitated by their child’s teacher said the experience helped them feel more confident in their ability to help their child learn new skills and become independent.[2]
94% of grown-ups who participated in the PBS KIDS Play & Learn Science workshop facilitated by their child’s teacher said the experience helped them feel more confident in their ability to help their child learn and talk about science.[3]
“In love with the workshop--everything including the books. Thank you PBS. Never stop the love you have for the education of children. You guys go above and beyond.”
See Them in Practice
To see a teacher using these kits with her students and their families, check out our training videos! See firsthand how to use the kits to foster a playful, engaging environment in your classroom where grown-ups and kids can explore the workshop themes together!
What is the cost to purchase a kit?
Kits are customizable to accommodate the number of children in your classroom and cost $15 per student, with a 10-student minimum order per kit.
Contact us for more information
Jessica Russell, Vegas PBS Ready To Learn Coordinator
702.799.1010 x 5413 |
[1] 94 teachers responded to the survey
[2] 360 parents responded to the survey
[3] 343 parents responded to the survey