1. Can stories be dictated to an adult?
Yes, children who cannot write may dictate their story to an adult.
2. Does the story need to be bound or stapled?
Please only use a single staple or paperclip for your story.
3. When are stories due?
March 14, 2025, at 5 p.m.
4. Does spelling count?
In grades K-3, invented spelling is acceptable. Spelling is not a criterion that judges evaluate, but it doesn't hurt to double check spelling and grammar to make sure the story is comprehendable.
In grades 4-5, spelling and conventions are part of the scoring rubric.
5. Can I submit multiple stories?
No, participants may only submit one entry per year.
6. Can my child illustrate their story using AI?
No. Illustrations must be original and created by the child. Original art includes drawings, photographs taken by the child, collages, and 3-D.
7. How are stories judged?
Stories are judged by qualified university professors, educational staff, librarians, authors, and community members.
In grades K-3, these judges evaluate stories using the criteria of originality, creative expression, storytelling, illustrations, and overall impression.
In grades 4-5, judges evaluate the ideas, organization, voice, conventions, and illustrations of the story.
Three top winners are selected in each grade level.
8. How will I be notified that my story is a winner?
Vegas PBS Ready To Learn staff will notify winners by phone after all grade levels have been judged.
9. Will I get my story back?
Yes, stories are mailed back to students, but it is strongly recommended that non-school related entries enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope to ensure delivery. School-related entries are returned via Clark County School District interoffice mail. All participants receive a certificate of achievement with their story.
10. Can kids from other states enter the contest?
No, only students residing in Southern Nevada may enter the contest (Clark, Nye, White Pine, and Lincoln counties).